DealEdge and SPS are two key platforms in Bain & Company’s suite of next-generation private equity data solutions.
They each help GPs unlock the potential of deal-level networks and analytics. Together, they can take your sector strategy to the next level.
Speak to us today
Raising Sector Strategy
to the Next Level
The Bain & Company Global Private Equity Report 2022 explored what it takes for you to excel with your sector strategy. It identified three key questions that GPs must ask themselves: are they in the right sectors? Are they seeing all the deals in their sector? And does their strategy match their approach? SPS and DealEdge can help private equity firms answer those questions in a way that has never been possible before.
How we can help

Am I playing in the right
With DealEdge, you can compare performance and value creation across more than 560 industry subsectors.
Am I seeing all the deals in my sector?